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We, the members of the Venice History Committee, in order to further the collection and dissemination of historical and educational materials related to Venice, IL, and environs, produce a comprehensive history of our town, develop fellowship between people of common interest, and organize ourselves so that we can best distribute and publicize historic and educational materials; and, endeavoring through the friendly exchange of information, do hereby establish ourselves as an organization and set down this constitution as the rules by which we shall govern ourselves. (May 27, 2008)

Click HERE to read the By-Laws of the Venice History Committee

The Venice History Committee Officers
for 2022-2024

President - Jim Jeffries - jeffries88065@gmail.com - 803 479-7270
Vice-President - S. Paul Zarlingo - thezeeman34@gmail.com
Sec. - Toni (Eck) Andrews - presvytera2000@gmail.com
Treasurer - Jo Ann Barnett - bnet@juno.com
Ad Hoc Member - Margaret (Gonterman) Eck - 618 797-6060

You can always send an email to: venicememories@yahoo.com

The history of the committee

An early meeting of the committee at the home of the now late Mrs. Gwendolyn Dake, a retired teacher of Venice High School. Clockwise, from lower left, Mrs. Dake, Becky (Schaffner) Lipchik, Phil Smith, the late John Kittle, Clarence Hand, Rich Essington and Jim Jeffries.

If you are on Facebook, you can do a SEARCH and type in Venice History Committee and see what others have posted. There are many photos, some class photos and a number of candid photos from previous reunions.

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