Everything Venice

For a complete list of graduates of Venice High School from 1917 to 2004 and Lincoln High School from 1935 to 1964, click HERE.
(If you find any misspelled names, please email venicememories@yahoo.com so corrections can be made to the list. The names were manually transcribed from the official hand-written list maintained by the school district and errors are inherent.)

School Census taken; determined children eligible for education
1923 and 1931 records found

It is not known how often a census of the children who lived in Venice was taken, but records for two such censuses have been given to the Committee.

Clifford Cavener per­formed the painstaking, house-by-house census in 1923 and Clyde Edwards was respons­ible for the 1931 census. It is also not known if they single-handedly performed the canvass or if they had a team of people helping them.

They listed each child's name and birthday and also recorded the child's sex and race. They also kept track of those childen between six and 21 years old, hinting at the education aspect of the data.

To read either census, just click on that photo. The second page of each report gives an index of the streets as they appear. Not every street was done in a specific order.

Click on a photo to go to that school's page

Venice High School

Lincoln High School

Venice Grade School

St. Mark School

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A project of the Venice History Committee